Saturday, December 20, 2014

Hi guys! Today I'm going to review a pair of circle lens from PinkyParadise. I could choose any pair of circle lens and I chose EOS Candy Blue that make your eyes look like anime!

Here is the picture that is shown on the web, the diameter is 14.5mm but these lens enlarge your eyes a lot! As you can see, you can use them for a year, and I recommend that you use these lens if you want a dolly look or for cosplaying ~

Due to I'm a sponsor, my  package came in a week, it was wraped carefuly and nothing was damaged ( I even had it difficult to open the crystal bottles where the lens come)

Here you can see the package:

It also comes with a cute thing for holding up your hair.

Here you can see the lens inside their crystal bottles, they look so cute!

My eyes are dark brown (most of the time they look black) so I really apreciate when light colored circle lens show their color on my eye!
Here you can see a photo of myself wearing one circle lense and on the second photo, wearing both of them, they are my favourite ones!

And finally here you can see some photos of me cosplaying Kuroko (from Kuroko No Basket / The Basketball which Kuroko plays) And they're so comfortable and easy to put on! ;3;

Usually when I purchase circle lens and I try them for the first time, my eyes cry and I have to try several times before I can put them on, but I could put on these lens at the first try without a single tear! Hahaha ~

Color: 5/5
(The color is JUST as the photo shows)
Comfort: 5/5 
(I've had these lens on for hours and I didn't even realize lol)
Size: 5/5
(I LOVE this size, is perfect for applying, enlargement and for comfort)


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